Heart and Hope
“Guard your heart above all else, for from the heart flow the issues of life.” (Inspired by Proverbs 4:23)
E Komo Mai – is an affecionate greeting in Hawaii and is translated as a ‘warm welcome’
On this Aloha Friday we speak of the heart and welcome the Aloha. As it is being immersed in the Aloha Spirit one recieves a palapable and alive example of what it truly is to live from the HEART.
And often times the reminder of wise words that were given by an aunty who cautioned me in a time of grief and confusion to be ever mindful of the thoughts and heart attitude toward life and the situation at hand.
Some would say that being mindful of our thoughts in our heart and mind is not only essential, it is critical as more than anything else in life it is the heart that is our source of life.
And having lived immersed in Aloha, it has been that warm loving affection of the Aloha spirit, and the hope, faith and love saturating our hearts that has been the lifeline and source of great peace and joy.
For it to be a source of peace and joy there has been ever mindful moments of remembering that it is good and healthy to have a hearty laugh and make an effort to find the joy in the moments as the source of strength and life and vigor. Is that easy to do all the time? No and yet it is a choice to make when one needs a lift to engage in whatever it is that can bring hope and laughter and joy to the heart. It is like a healing balm and good medicine. Be it a walk on the beach, a dunk in the ocean, hands in the dirt in the garden or simply a walk in the fresh air inhaling the fresh air at sunrise or exhaling the day at sunset.
The sacred moments in our beautiful creation, given to us as a gift from our Creator, are some of the most benefical uses of our time, especially when the pressure in on!
When one is recovering from a place of grief and trauma and discovers that very ONE thing or something that brings joy, please make room for that ONE thing or something in your life. It is essential to your health and well being.
I know that my vitman sea is a must to reboot my heart and mind on a consistent basis and the fresh crisp air of the sunrise reboots my heart and brain for the new beginnings of the day. Or the sunset is the sacred exhalation of the days events with a gratiitde to surrender to the rest of the night
Encrouagement, inspiration and rest come to the heart with sweet sleep. Perhaps these words may help to recalibrate and we hope refresh your heart and mind to be revived for the NEW day ahead.
HOPE fof the Heart: “A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing” (Proverbs 17:22)
“A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken”.
Wiise words from the book of Proverbs that bring awareness to the importance of the issues of the heart and living from the heart of love, peace and joy with great faith, hope and LOVE.

Not at all easy, or a walk in the park in days like we are living in with this season of isolation. Be encouraged …..
On this Aloha Friday our HOPE and Heart is that your heart is full of hope to believe all things are possible for your situation to SHIFT.
As we say to you – “HAPPY Aloha Friday” – Remember that faith is the substance of things hoped for.
Blessings and Happy Aloha Friday