Matters of the Heart
Having been asked on many occasions “Why Aloha and why the Aloha Friday Blog?”
The heart behind sharing the Aloha is that in the past almost two decades we have, as a family, been blessed and fortunate to share and enjoy, the blessing of the Aloha Spirit and the genuine heartfelt inclusive sense of belonging.
It really is a matter of the HEART!
Upon meeting the precious Hawaiian ladies who adopted us into family (hanai) we descovered that the Aloha and Hawaiian hugs are like fresh BREATH to weary hearts and souls! Our dearly beloved aunties are wisdom keepers and kupuna, who are dearly loved aunties to us and so many others in Hawaii and abroad.
We learned upon our arrival in Hawaii in 2008 that our intention to live from the heart to help and to heal was understood and appreciated, by the Aloha way and spirit. As the genuine divine connects grow day by day, we are gathering a hui (congregrate as group) of like minded hearts and souls for a destiny and purpose.
Perhaps we have been connected by an ancient calling, by a golden thread in the spirit?
Queen Lillio in her writings stated ‘that one day the world would come to a place where it really needed Aloha and the Ha breath of life.’
Perhaps the world could be at that place in 2020? An opportune time to embrace transformation in a year of unprecendented challenges and changes for millions across the globe.
The song Take a Little Aloha around the world ….. so loved by nieces and nephews as Mr Clint and Kent shared the song with their cousins around the time of their big brothers marriage. A song written by the Mana’o Company that I believe share the sentiment of Queen Lillioulkalani’s heart. The Mana’o Company Song A-L-O-H-A can be found on You Tube.
The depth of connection and the warm loving kindness and deep affection for our beloved hanai (adopted in) ohana (family)
is what brings us the JOY and warmth of the Aloha we have to share on Aloha Fridays.
OUr greatest intention is that in reading a blog or listening to a podcast or participating in a retreat or event is that hearts seeking REST can be warmed to and softened toward the Aloha way and spirit. It is a warm kind, heartfelt love and affection toward our fellow human beings here on this earth.
So simple, so palpable and so simple.
Aloha, in the literal meaning is the “Presence of Breath” and “The Breath of Life” as many a kupuna has shared with me uppon our arrival.
It is a way of being and living, and a way of being with each other and treating each other with love and respect. Being totally present with a person is what I have observed and experienced when being immersed in the Aloha way. It makes one feel like nothing else matters except being present in the essence of Aloha.

It is about a respect and love and gratitude for our own being first and then spreading the love and Aloha to others; and that my friends is our greatest heart intention for Aloha Friday.
As one Kupuna said to me years ago – “with deep love and affection – Alo HA” and a Hui Hou (until we meet again).
Blessings abundant to you and your Ohana on this Aloha Friday.
Malama Pono (take care)
Perhaps pop on over to YouTube and enjoy a listen to A-L-O-H-A by the Mana’o Company