Heart Aware Shifts
February in Australia, USA, and UK is Heart awareness month. It is a month on the annual calendar where heart health based organisations work together with Health providers to bring heart health and awareness messages.
In Australia it is known as Red Feb. Wearing red is an indication of the awareness and priority heart health is to the people.
My heart in this month, is to bring awareness that heart health is not just what we eat and put into our bodies, and how well we take care of our body, it is also about the heart-brain connection.
To the surprise of some, still today, the heart-brain connection has much to do with our heart health, for our heart is a very good indicator of what else in happening in our lives. Our heart-brain connection is connected to our emotional health and well being.
And in such overwhelming times in the world today our emotional health and well being affects our immunity and resilience.
For the anxious person or for one who experiences a deeper sensitivity to the sympathetic nervous system there is a keen awareness. To connect with the heart of the matter helps our brain to comprehend and iunderstand the deep rooted heart-brain connection.
It was our arrival in Hawai’i where I was made more aware the heart-brain connection. For it was the way the Hawaiian health care system approached the diagnosis and recovery of a life threatening heart condition, that made so much sense to me. It was the emotional health and well being of the patient that was as much a priority as the physical heart health. With the Aloha spirit ever present at the Queens Mecial Center in Honolulu, Hawai’i
From the ukelele bedside visits by a Hawaiian uncle, and laughter therapy, to the visits from the beloved aunties ~ warm loving Aloha.
From the moment I first stepped out of the lift at Queens medical center, upon our visit in the very early dawn hours to the intensive care unit, to be greeted by the beuatiful artwork and aloha words on the walls inspiring healing and the inspiration of faith to believe. Holistic Hawaiian healing, eveywhere I looked, much of which I believe was a part of the heart healing.
Then to the afternoon rests under the big banyan tree on the lawns of Quuens hospital; listening to the hula and kanikapila at the state building over the road. Being immersed in the Aloha spirit was a part of the healing that saved a life from a life threatening heart trauma.

The faith filled loving affection and Aloha inspired faith to believe in miracles.
The fragrance of the plumeria, ginger and aloha spirit ushered in the fragrance of heaven many a time when we most needed it.
And at times to know many souls were praying made us feel like we were carried on angels wings when the heart grew weary.
Read more about this story if you would like in the book: Only Believe, Live From the Heart.Chapter One “Heart Matters” and Chapter Two “Young Hearts” tell of this story of great heart in a young man.
In this heart awareness month with a day set aside to wear red in the USA, for example, the 54th American Heart Association Heart Health Awareness day on &th February. Many wore red to acknowledge the day.
Our awareness is ever present with two young men who are miracle surviors of heart trauma and its life threatening effect. And yet for these two young men their heart-brain awareness and health is priority for the management and healing of this condition.
Peace, joy and heartfelt Aloha markers in their sweet happy lives.
Yes ~ Life is for Living with Aloha ~ HAPPY Aloha Friday!
Blessings to you and your heart health and wealth of abundance in the life you have every day here on enjoying planet earth.