A day of Blessing and Alignment
On this Aloha Friday a word of encouragement to look to this day as a day of blessing and alignment.
Aloha Friday has become a day of a heart health check for us as a team.
What does that mean?
A heart health check is a self check on the heart attitudes one carries, that affects most everything we say and do.
For out of the heart flow the issues of life. What do I mean by that? I believe it really is the source of life and when life is not flowing so well with ease and grace I tend to do a heart check with a surrender to the Grace of a loving Creator. Sitting unders heavens conversing.
For if our heart serves us well it brings about healthy thoughts and a more postiive mindset that lead to a graceful flow with life.
Eugene Peterson, a man of great poetic gifting translated it beautifully in his version of Proverbs 4:23 in The Message:
“Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts.
Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth, avoid carelss banter, white lies, and gossip.
Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you.
Look neither right nor left’ leave evil in the dust.”
Our heart, as a team, for you this Aloha Friday is that the road stretches out smoothly for you today and this week ahead.
Perhaps try a heart check? Very soon we will have one available for you to give a trial run?
‘BE’ aware of the moments to take a breath, take in the fresh “HA” Breath of Heaven and breathe out all the negatives, surrendering to the rhythms of Grace and agape love of the Creator.
Perhaps have a chat to the Heavens and release and let go of it all, maybe your heart will grow in capacity to receive the rhythms of Grace?
The unhurried pace of the Hawaiian people and indigenous peoples around the globe, is the beautiful joy filled peaceful Aloha Spirit and being immersed in that has been one of the greatest gifts and blessings in our life and continues to be so.

It has saved us from the stuff and busy-ness of worldly ways and made us aware of the rhythms of grace that our loving Savior blesses us with dail,y if we are open to that!, He has saved me from myself, to enjoy the blessings, as we allow that flow to lead guide and order our steps of faith daily.
This blessing from the Hawaiian way and awarenes of living from the heart have aligned us with the Aloha spirit. It continues to touch our hearts and grow the alignment to our calling and positive vision of hope to believe all things are possible. And our destiny to encourage and inspire people we meet that and connect with that:
“The positive vision of hope to believe all things are possible”
Is our heart for each person reading this on this Aloha Friday and our prayer is that with faith of the heart to ‘only believe’ you too can enjoy the alignment and blessings.
Happy Aloha Friday