SHIFT To Reslience
Our Aloha Friday moments have the intention of bringing a peace and “HA” Breath of life to your heart and soul.
In the past three weeks we have been looking at resilient hearts and at times that takes a SHIFT in attitude, and a heart/brain paradigm shift in many ways, that is exciting for some and terrifying for others.
That SHIFT is what can take one to a more resilient way of life. Renewing the mind and refreshing the heart is what that shift toward resilience is all about.
On this Aloha Friday a look at the Hawaiian people and see a resilient strong people who have made shifts in many ways over the years with history and times that have passed, yet a people have been able to keep the culture alive and rich in their dance, music, food and warmth. Aloha greets all who enter into the islands for a rest and rejuvenation or to enjoy living the way of Aloha as locals.
Resilience Coaching and the way of Aloha in the past decade have been a combined healing mana (power in the spirit)
Many have experienced healing and a significant SHIFT toward a more resilient life …..
Our coaching model that our team administers with warm Aloha is based on a positive strengths focus (not what’s wrong with you)
Each person is uniquely wired and has a gifting that is their best version of “who” they have been created to be. Our Coaching founder believes each person on the planet is “Created to be Creative” ™

We coach from a positive perspective and believe adversity and life experiences CAN build the resilience quotient.
The faith factor inspires people to see a positive vision of hope to believe all things are possible. Coaches are certified and experienced in leading people out of and through grief and trauma. As Coaches lead with LOVE and Aloha and Grace, it inspires courage to see and ‘can do’ perspective. Life purpose and and the clairty to see that there is an abundance of life to be lived given the oppportunity to grow. With time and warm Aloha coaching can heal and bring recovery to facilitate the ability to flourish and resiliently bounce back. Each person is created brilliant with enormous potential, oh how different our wolrd would be if life was viewed from this perspecitve!
Once the paradigm shift is made and incremental gains and SHIFT is established a whole NEW way of being can bring life and living.
Remember on this Aloha Friday, Life is for living with Aloha; ENJOY the blessings of each and every day we have the ‘HA’ breath of life.
“Like a tree planted by streams, who yields it fruit in sseason and whose leaf does not wither and whatever they do propsers”
Psalm 1:3