Aloha and E Komo Mai ~ or Welcome. One of the Hawaiian words a couple of weeks ago was Ohana, so we are saying welcome to the people who are reading the blogs and becoming family, or Ohana, to our Beyond The Limit team.
Being February the Heart health month it is timely that the Heart – Brain awareness story about the awareness of heart that has grown over the years, be shared. It was 31 years ago that this insights began to unfold and still today grow in greater depth and understanding as to how it can help many people live with health of the heart, with a healthy heart – brain connection.
It was some 3 decades ago now that the awareness of the heart – brain connect and its impact became a vital key to the heart health for our Ohana.
I had seen the impact of the heart connect with a group of women that were able to rise to the challenge and experience the vibrational energy shift with the heart – brain connect. As they activated their dream, the only believe mindset, saw increased awareness and SHIFTs that were truly miraculous. you can read more about that dream in the book: Be Not Afraid, Only Believe: Chapter one ~ The Power of a Dream
That account and the awareness of the heart – brain connect for the first time really in my life is a story in the above mentioned book.
The best way to describe the beginning of this heart – brain journey is to quote from the book Be Not Afraid, Only Believe:
Chapter One:
“…..December 20th, 1989, our lives were changed in a flash ….. when Clint collapsed at my feet.
Luke, standing right at my side, asked in a very concerned little voice.

“What’s wrong mum?”
“I don’t know Luke ….. I was screaming inside; ‘He’s not breathing, or is he? As I checked Clint’s vital signs and began CPR. I remembered the Doctor was at his surgery and only a minute or two away ….. as I handed limp, pale, lifeless little Clint to him. The tears welled up inside me I knew I had to hold myself together ….. I stood at the doctors door and watched as he performed CPR on our little 2 year old boy. No response. I watched him prepare a long needle and inject it straight into Clint’s chest!”
What was going on?
I was screaming inside. I was standing at the door with tears filling my eyes and rolling down my face, hands on my heart, looking up to heaven and whispering through the tears ….. ‘I know you’re there God. Please don’t let him die. I give you my life. I’ll absolutely do anything for you. Please help us and give us our little boy back’ …..
I now quote from the attending Matron’s perspective:
“When thinking of the day of Clint’s collapse …..
During emergencies such as Clint’s resuscitation, you do not remember every detail …..
I was shocked when I saw how pale and lifeless he was. For the briefest of moments, thoughts of hope went through my mind….
There was no time to dwell on these thoughts, as I had to get on and help Geoff (the Dr). We got into the rhythm of resuscitation quickly. We performed CPR and EAR and Geoff gave him an intracardiac injection. It was following the injection that Clint’s heart started beating…..
It’s not until you walk in the shoes of a parent that you have some realisitic understanding of what the feelings and emotions are.”
Chapter Two ~ “No Thanks I Choose Positive …… we will continue in next week’s part 2 of this blog…..
Stay tuned as next week we will touch on the next part of this journey with some insights from Chapter Two of Be Not Afraid, Only Believe”
It was only recently that a neighbour read a quote from this book to me and was stunned at how apt the timing of reading the book was in her life, and in this season of unprecendented challenges for so many across the globe.
I now reflect back on what was written in those first couple of chapters nearly a couple of decades ago, it still realtes today!
It still resonates with so many who are now reading or re reading this story with eyes to see the ‘positive vision of hope to ‘believe all things are possible’ that came out of the insights of the heart – brain connection.
I spoke earlier in the blog of the insight of the the heart – brain connection and how it has been a learning journey across the lasst 3 decades. Little did I know back then the dream and the reality of stepping into that dream, lifted our vibration to what was needed at the time of this crisis. Seeds of faith planted that today still bear fruit!
AND I also was not aware at the time of the small things that were being activated that grew into heart – brain connects that still impact us as a family and the whole Ohana we now are blessed to share our lives with.
You see the seeds of the heart – brain connection were there and it was this crisis that cracked open the kernel of the seed so that it could germinate in the good ground of faith.
We were beginnning the boot camp of Heart – Brain connection, and it still continues today at levels that have drilled deep down in the core of our being and spirit. The heart and soul of this little family forever impacted and connected to the Throne room of Grace of our Creator who has been the master Grand Weaver and teacher of the heart – brain connect learning of 3 decades.
Our Hawaiian word of the week for this HAPPY Aloha Friday is OHANA which means family.
Family and the all embracing Ohana surrounding us wherever we have been on the globe has been key to the learning and health of our heart-brain connection.