“Just BREATHE and be still my heart” I say to my head often, as it is the head that can run away with too many words per minute!
“Many a time my mind has been reeling at a situation, and yet have known deep in my heart, what I had to do and where I had to go.
Digging deep into the faith of my heart, I could not afford to listen to my head!
‘Keep still and ever-present, all thing are possible with God’s help – HELP! I prayed.”
(Page 18, ‘Only Believe, Live From The Heart’ (c) 2015 Tricia Caughey. Beyond The Limit Pub)
I often hear the whisper of a loving Creator calm the storm in my heart, as we adjust the sails to catch the “Ha” BREATH of life. As we readjust and re-calibrate, this has become a great lesson and well practiced discipline of the heart over the past 10 years or more, (30 years actually). It is in these unprecedented times that I believe that this practice can provide some encouragement and hope to weary hearts and souls.
The BREATH of Heaven and being able to live like Heaven is on Earth is a sense of peace and well being that knows deep in the heart that all is well, no matter what! NO Matter what you may say!!!
YES, No Matter what! That Breath of Heaven, is a loving Creator with a greater plan for our good, than we can see in the here and the now. In these days of being in a place with a time to reflect and rest and take time out from the usual day to day. We can BREATHE, take time to reflect, while not being consumed by the hurried rushing world. We have learned that peaceful easy going flow, of ease and grace in Hawaii. And have learned you cannot hurry a Hawaiian and that there is another time zone called ‘Hawaiian time’. (That has become a saving Grace to us many times).

With Hawaiian time, I have to deal with the running script in my head and re-calibrate life to a more flowing life of ease and Grace. The importance of hearing the HEART and spirit has awoken my spiritual ears, to hear the Heavens and opened the eyes of my heart to Arise.
To Arise in the spirit and learn from the humility of heart, the spirituality of connection to a Creator, and the faith of the heart to live by faith and not by sight. It has opened my being to a vertical connection that has enhanced every area of life. A creator who is madly in love with HIS created beings, human beings and desires for us to know a more peace filled sense of being, rather than a a busy life of doing! HE has wired into us since our beginning, our sense of being and desire to connect.
We are human beings and not doings and our Creator has created each of us so very unique with a huge potential to be creative and live with Aloha.
How many nights do we toss and turn and wrestle with our minds as the words tumble around in our heads and only muddy the waters when we most need to just BE STILL and allow our hearts to stop and listen to our Creators love, Aloha (HA Breath) and soothing words to our soul. HIS love is beyond the limit of our human understanding and HIS Love, a LOVE that loves and knows the innermost parts of our being.
We all have access to this vertical relationship with our Creator who inspires a world of difference in our horizontal relationships and circumstances as we journey by Grace through the walk of faith, love and hope. Our prayer is that the way of Aloha can bring a perspective that calibrates and readjusts a way of being ….. BE STILL MY HEART!
Happy Aloha Friday and may Grace and Peace be a part of your day and way of being. Warmest Aloha and a Hui Hou (Until we meet again).