As we immerse ourselves in the still quiet sense of being and connecting with our Creator and the beautiful creation around us, we can become grounded and at peace no matter what the circumstances of life bring into our day. Or what storms of life are surrounding us? The sand between our toes, soaking in the liquid silk Pacific Ocean, or the hues of color in the sunsets, or the vibrancy of a golden sunrise? All hints and signs and wonders of our Creators love for HIS Created beings on planet earth.
This blue planet is a gift that can ground us in who we have been created to be – if we allow it to do so! Being in faith one day at a time, living by faith and not by sight can be a key element of this attitude of gratitude!
“I’ve Got Faith of the Heart” is a song that keeps rising up in my spirit……
This old Rod Stewart favorite resonates deep in my spirit as the steps of faith to forge ahead, become the reality of our day to day living. Yes I pray that reality for you too ….. it brings to mind a roller coaster story from the book, “Live From The Heart, Only Believe” (Tricia Caughey, (C) Beyond The Limit Publishing, 2015)
“The reality – yes, there are exhiliherating rushes and moments. Then there are some very deep drops that catch us by surprise. There are often sudden unexpected turns. And then when the ride slows down to the place where it stops, it often allows time for us to step out, catch our breath and regain our balance.”

In this time of unprecedented circumstances around the world, in Hawai’i while the people and communities are challenged, there is a resilient, resourceful and innovative way in their ability to live with Aloha, and collaborate with community organizations taking care of the people of Hawai’i. The state of Hawai’i has some of the lowest infection and mortality rates in the USA and even with the economy of Hawai’i being vulnerable to the increased isolation (with the financial pinch of the Tourism dollar being felt by the people). There is still hope and the joy of Aloha. Nonetheless joy and loving warmth and kindness of Aloha prevails with Ohana taking care and it is the best example for many of us who have struggled in this time of isolation and numbness that has invaded some lives.
Please be encouraged that the key and the answer is looking around us with what surrounds us in the natural beautiful creation, looking up and toward what surrounds us in gratitude for the clean air and blessings we have in our day. May your day be beautifully blessed with a peace and JOY and the warmth of Aloha – HAPPY Aloha Friday:) We all have access to this vertical relationship with our Creator who inspires a world of difference in our horizontal relationships and circumstances as we journey by Grace through the walk of faith, love and hope. Our prayer is that the way of Aloha can bring a perspective that recalibrated and readjusted vision in our way of being can bring. Happy Aloha Friday and may that Grace and peace be a part of your day and way of being.
Warmest Aloha and Hui Hou (Until we meet again)